This is a catch up post! I photographed Gavin and Madeline back in December of 2008. However, I first met Gavin & Madeline back in June 2008 when they were just preemies in the NICU. My daughter happened to be at the same hospital they were born at during the same period. When I saw them, they were just a little over 3lbs each! So incredibly tiny! Now at 6 months they have grown into beautiful babies. Even though they were many weeks early, these kiddos were fighters! I feel so privileged that their mom and dad chose me to document their growth! I know they will only continue to grow and do great things in life because they are so deeply loved by their parents Wes and Elisa.
SO cute! I love the first one!
So amazingly adorable! I also really love the top photo as well! I'm sure these parents are extremely proud!
I just want to say that you are AMAZING!!! You are probably one of the best photographers I have ever seen. Everything you do is fresh and unique. I am VERY interested in photography and I want to one day own my own business. I hope I can be half as good as you! Simply beautiful. I wish I lived in Minnesota so you could photograph my daughter. Do you have a brand of camera that you like? Right now all I have is a 8MP Olympus camera. I would really like to save up to get a DSLR camera (I am only 17) and I was trying to compare which were the best. Thanks so much, and you are a true artist. God bless!
Kylee, thank you for your very sweet comments! Feel free to email me with all your camera questions and we can discuss DSLR's...there are a lot of good ones out there right now! God Bless you too!
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