Josh and Nicole have a true love story. The couple have been spread apart over 1000 miles for quite some time. Josh has a job out in Boston and Nicole was here in MN finishing up her medical degree. All this time they've been traveling back and forth to see each other. Their wedding marks an amazing change in their relationship because Nicole will finally be able to move out to Boston while waiting to find out where her residency will be in Massachusetts. All day you could just see the love in Nicole and Josh's eyes and the way they would kindly talk to each other. We spent a lot of time in St. Paul taking photos around Rice Park. Their Reception was at 490 on Summit and Nicole put together so many beautiful details. Just before the dance started the candy buffet came out and I think I literally saw the eyeballs of every child pop out of there head..ha! I must admit Nicole is a woman after my own heart we both LOVE candy :) I made sure to grab a little goody bag before I left for the evening. Josh and Nicole I wish you all the best and hope you have an amazing time on your honeymoon in Italy!!
Check out my assistant Amy's blog...she put a ton of images up on her blog as well!
Thank you for doing such a phenomenal job, Jessica! It was a blast to work with you again! Thanks for getting some up before the honeymoon - we appreciate it!
Thank you for doing such a phenomenal job, Jessica! It was a blast to work with you again! Thanks for getting some up before the honeymoon - we appreciate it!
Jess! I was waiting for these! Stunning as always! :-) The dance photo is my favorite- lighting is amazing!
these are AWESOME. great job!
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