Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jason & Crystal

Crystal and Jason were married on Saturday, October 11th.  I received an email about a week before their wedding that Crystal had broke her ankle a few weeks prior!  I know if I was Crystal I would have panicked but she didn't!  In fact she was so cool about everything and seriously was one of my happiest brides this year.  She wasn't about to let a little broken ankle ruin her day.  It probably had a lot to do with Jason..he officially wins best hubby of the year award from JM Photography!  He took such good care of Crystal all day.  Helping her in and out of her wheel chair and on her crutches.  He supported her so she could stand for a few pictures and my favorite photo of the day is them standing at the alter and his hand is on hers over the crutches.  It's just so incredibly sweet and melted my heart when I saw him do that!  I hope you guys had a wonderful honeymoon in Duluth!!


MM said...

Man the leaves are beautiful there.

Wow, I can't believe that about her ankle! Thats awesome that she still had an upbeat attitude about it!

Love that groomsmen shot!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures look great!!! Thanks for all your work and for such a nice blog. We love em so far.